Curriculum Vitae

Personal Website:

Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Academic Position: Full Professor
Saarland University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Business School

Orcid-ID: 0009-0003-2133-9652


Ph.D. in Linguistics (Legal and Administrative French), Duisburg University, 1993

M.A. equivalent (French and English, distinction), Duisburg University, 1985

Editorial Work

from 2011 to date: series Editor of the

from 2010 to date: Editor of the Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching (JLLT)

2003 (Jan.) – 2009 (Dec.): Co-editor of the national pedagogic journal Fremdsprachen und Hochschule (FuH) (Foreign Languages and Universities)

Conference & Symposium Organisation 

2011 - to date: Chairman of  the Saarbrücken International Conference Series on Foreign Language Teaching (Internationale Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagungen)

2014 - to date: Chairman of  the Saarbrücken French Symposia (Saarbrücker Französisch-Symposien)


2008 (Oct.) to date: Professor of Applied Languages (English and French), School of Business Administration, Saarland University of Applied Sciences,  Germany

2005 (Aug.) to 2008 (July): Visiting Professor, Department of Applied English Studies, MingDao University, Taiwan

2005 (Aug.) – 2006 (Dec.): Head of the Department of Applied English Studies, MingDao University, Taiwan

1991 (Oct.) to 2005 (Aug): Head of the French Department, Language Centre, Göttingen University, Germany

2004 (Nov.) to 2005 (Aug): Full academic faculty member, Department of Romance Philology, Göttingen University, Germany

2004 (May) to 2005 (Aug): National graduation examiner in Spanish Linguistics and Spanish Methodology for secondary education teacher candidates, conferred by the examination authority of Lower Saxony, Germany

2003 (Oct.) to 2005 (Aug): National graduation examiner in French Linguistics and French Methodology for secondary education teacher candidates, conferred by the examination authority of Lower Saxony, Germany

2002 (Nov.) to 2005 (Aug): Instructor of Applied Linguistics and Methodology (French and Spanish), Department of Romance Philology,  Göttingen University, Germany

1995 (Apr.) to 2005 (Aug): Instructor of French and Spanish Linguistics in introductory courses, Department of Romance Philology, Göttingen University, Germany

1989 (Jan.) – 2005 (July): Adjunct instructor of General French and Business French, Romance Department, Duisburg University, Germany

1987 (Sep.) – 1991 (Sep.): Pedagogical staff member of English and French, Catholic Education Institute, Oberhausen, Germany 

1986 (Sep.) – 1991 (Apr.): Instructor of Business English in classes preparing for the examination of bilingual secretaries, Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Oberhausen, Germany

1983 (Sep.) –1986 (Aug.): Instructor of English and French, Weltsprachen-Institut, Mülheim, Germany


2022 to date Board Member of ICC- The International Language Association

2019 to date GERAS International Correspondent

2008 to date:  Board Member of the German-Pennsylvanian Friendship Association, Saarbrücken

2004 – 2006: Member of the Permanent Board of the AKS (Association of Language Centres in Germany)

1995 – 2005 (Aug): Göttingen Representative of the UNIcert® Council

1994 to date: Member of the Association of German Romance Philologists

1994 to date: Member of the German Society of Applied Linguistics (GAL)


Please refer to:

Fields of Research

- Languages for special/specific purposes
- Grammar and grammaticography
- Research on writing
- Language consciousness
- Lexicography, meta-lexicography and dictionary work
- Examination methodology and examination practice in German, French, English, and

Additional Qualifications

2004 (May) First runner-up for the appointment to the professorship of French Linguistics and Translation Sciences at Cologne University of Applied Sciences

1983 - 1984 State-approved translator and interpreter of French; State-approved translator of English


1986 – 1987 National German Scholarship for Ph.D. studies

1984 Strasburg-Prize for students by the F.V.S-Foundation

1981 – 1982 Scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service for studies in France

International Academic Experience

1985 Research work in Paris (Sorbonne University library)

1981 – 1982 Sponsored-studies in France (University of Nantes)

Working Languages

- German
- French 
- English 
- Spanish 

Languages of Interest

- Italian (reading competence)
- Chinese (basic)
- Swedish (basic)